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CHEM 101

Chemistry! Better Living: This course is meant for non-majors and does not have a laboratory component.

CHEM 112

General Chemistry II: This course is meant for majors and those intending to progress to upper-class chemistry courses. It covers Kinetics, Thermodynamics, Electrochemistry, Nuclear Chemistry, Equilibrium, Acid-Base reactions and the Representative Elements.

CHEM 235

A Short Course in Organic Chemistry: This is a survey course on organic chemistry and is meant for non-majors interested in fields that do not require two semesters of organic chemistry.

CHEM 372

History of Chemistry and Society: This course is meant as a P and D requirement and covers chemistry from the ancients up through the nuclear age.

CHEM 381

Polymer I: This course is meant for majors only and requires CHEM 231 and CHEM 232 as a pre-requisite. The course covers the basics of polymer characterization, processing, nomenclature, kinetics and introduces natural and inorganic polymers.

CHEM 482

Polymer Chemistry II: This course advances upon Polymer Chemistry I and introduces more complex problem solving and literature research.


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